>> This is work in progress, contact us if you have questions
>> This is work in progress, contact us if you have any questions
# About
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ The project contains a workflow based on Framework [AlvisNLP](https://github.com
## Usage
The workflow works on command line (e.g., `GNU bash, version 4.4.x`) with `singularity version 3.4.x`
installed on your computer (see [how to install singularity](https://sylabs.io/guides/3.4/user-guide/quick_start.html#quick-installation-steps)).
It is compatible with `AlvisNLP version 0.7.x` provided in a [Singularity](https://sylabs.io/) image. Run the following steps to test the workflow,
a test corpus is provided in `corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/txt/` (`16Go` RAM memory is required to run the test corpus).
installed on your computer ([how to install singularity ?](https://sylabs.io/guides/3.4/user-guide/quick_start.html#quick-installation-steps)).
It is compatible with [`AlvisNLP version 0.7.1`](https://github.com/Bibliome/alvisnlp/tree/0.7.1) provided via [singularity](https://sylabs.io/) images/containers.
Run the following steps to test the workflow,
a test corpus is provided here `corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/txt/`, `16Go` RAM is required to process the test corpus).