# How to contribute to DataDiscovery
## Git management
### Branches
- One stable & protected [master](/) branch
- Feature branches for development following the pattern `[dev_type]/[dev_name]` (ie. `chore/explaining_how_to_merge`) where `[dev_type]` can be:
- fix (bug fixes)
- feat (new feature)
- style (style modification)
- refactor (code refactoring)
- chore (base maintenance such as version bump)
- test (for anything related to tests)
- doc (related to documentation)
- data (any change on data files)
### Commits & branches merge
- Commit name should follow pattern `[dev_type]: [brief description of the commit, lower than 50 characters]. [Issue KEY]`
- All branches must be merged via a `merge request` (MR)
- Merge requests should be created at the time of the branch creation in order to allow reviewer to comment and follow the developments, specify the `WIP` tag in the MR name (go further: *[feature highlight WIP](*).
git checkout -b chore/explaining_how_to_merge
git push --set-upstram origin chore/explaining_how_to_merge
Returns a link for creating the merge request easily:
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: To create a merge request for chore/explaining_how_to_merge, visit:
* [new branch] chore/explaining_how_to_merge -> chore/explaining_how_to_merge
La branche 'chore/explaining_how_to_merge' est paramétrée pour suivre la branche distante 'chore/explaining_how_to_merge' depuis 'origin'.
- A `git rebase` is strongly recommanded before merging a MR (either vie Gitlab UI, or via command line in case of conflict, see links and code below):
git checkout feat/my-feature
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
- [Git rebase official documentation](
- [How to keep a clean history](
- Merge requests should be reviewed by at least 1 developper
- Continuous Integration is launched automatically by Gitlab on each commit push or merge request creation.

Raphaël Flores
## Pipeline optimization
If you don't need to build and deploy the application, you can add `SKIP_DEPLOY` into your commit message which will avoid the related job to be added to the pipeline, hence speed-up its execution.
- Git LFS is used to store with the application the JSON data ready to be loaded in elasticsearch. If you clone the repository without installing git LFS, the data will not be cloned. To get the JSON data, you must install git LFS (look at [how to install](
- Another dedicated Git LFS project (internal only) will be created to handle all private + public JSON files

Jérémy Destin
- The JSON files generation is handled by an external ET (extract/transform) tool, only per-app suggestions are generated here using `./scripts/`.
- To use docker-compose for indexing the JSONs locally, you need to install docker-compose 1.19+: <>
## Development environment
- Look at the []( for installation and execution instructions.

Jérémy Destin
- Recommanded IDE is [Intellij IDEA](
- Use linting to apply code standards within the team:
- Use `ng lint` (for frontend code only)
- Use [Checkstyle]( and [PMD]( (**TODO**: implement) for backend (+frontend?) code
- All runtime variables should be externalized from the code in order to facilitate the CI management (database host/port, application name, public URL, JSON location...) and the adoption by partners
## Testing recommendations
Behaviour driven development (upon [TDD]( is recommended for all new developments.
More information on what is BDD: <>