V2.1342ba619 · ·
- Multiple refactoring actions on metagwgs main script - Rename some output files and reorganize output directories: i.e: assembly step - Add mosdepth for contigs depth count + add mosdepth singularity image recipe - Add taxonomy_dir parameter to use already downloaded taxonomy database - Add functional tests script to test the pipeline output on reviewed results after functional modifications + add README - Update documentation for metagwgs - Change config for test_genotoul_workq parameters - Change metaspades and megahit to unique assembly process
V2.0fb9bfc35 · ·
- Add CI/CD - Add direct download of Singularity containers - Add deduplication of reads - Add filtering of contigs - Add functional annotation of genes + associated Singularity container - Add quantification of reads by functional annotation - Add first strategy of binning (adapted from nf-core/mag v1.0.0) - Add first strategy of taxonomic affiliation of bins (from nf-core/mag v1.0.0) - Add summary tables for taxonomic affiliation of contigs - Add modularity of the pipeline: --step parameter - Add documentation - Improvement of MultiQC report: add modules into MultiQC and use of them into metagWGS - Improve README - Setting up configuration files - First optimization of memory and CPU for test data